Gwendolyn arrives to Wedgetail
We are so excited to welcome Gwendolyn to Wedgetail, and so grateful that her mum Ailsa Roberts and Simon Roberts decided to let us have the honour of training her! We hope to make Ailsa proud of us as we embark on a dressage journey together!!
She has the added bonus of having a very special name. (Sorry to all who have already heard the story!!). My late maternal grandmother, and one of the most influential woman in my life was called Gwendolyn. Just over a year ago, a very special Varekai filly was born on my g-ma's birthday the 12th October. I asked my sister if I could call this filly Gwendolyn, but as my sister wanted to call her daughter, if she has another, that, I was told no. So I named my filly Asher, my g-ma's maiden surname, which was perfect, as she is the colour of Ash and her mother was rescued in the Kinglake fires).
Well, the stars have aligned and now we have both Gwendolyn and Asher joining our Wedgetail team. I'm thinking of two very special ladies in Heaven today. Love you both dearly, thank-you, thank-you thank-you!!!
Gwen is our first Andalusian.
